너무피곤한우리딸~♡_my daughter is so tired
#Shorts #딸바보가되는이유 #youtube
수색후 피곤함Tired after searching
급피곤 I'm so tired 3
급피곤 I'm so tired 1
급피곤 I'm so tired 2
떡 실신 I'm so tired I fainted
맛 괜찮네 I'm so tired I fainted
힘들어 I'm tired
인형인가 Doll 23
이정도는 돼야죠It should be like this
잠은 보약이예요Sleep is a tonic
[My daughter gumsawall] 내 딸, 금사월 - Yoon Hyun min, "Because of you so tired I could die" 20151114
아직 잠잘시간인데It's still bedtime
잠은 자야지 You need to sleep
정말 눈이 감기네 My eyes are closing
항상 편해요 아빠 It's always comfortable, dad 3
뭔가 불편해 It's uncomfortable
운동은 필요해 I need to work out
참야야 돼 1 You have to hold it in 1
물고 말거예요 I'm going to bite it
기분이 최고예요I feel the best 2