헬마치, 세계 각국의 열병식 [ Hell march, A world military parade compilation ]

헬마치, 세계 각국의 열병식 [ Hell march, A world military parade compilation ]

세계 군대의 열병식 모음 필리핀군, 폴란드군, 중국군, 일본 자위대, 인도군, 대만군, 미군, 터키군, 러시아군, 한국군, 북한군, 태국군, 프랑스군, 영국군 A world military parade compilation Armed Forces of the Philippines, Polish Armed Forces, China People's Liberation Army, Japan Self-Defense Forces, Indian Armed Forces, Republic of China Armed Forces, United States Armed Forces, Turkish Armed Force, Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, Republic of Korea Armed Forces, Korean People's Army, Royal Thai Armed Forces, French Armed Forces, British Armed Forces Sandatahang Lakas ng Pilipinas, Siły Zbrojne Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej, 中国人民解放军, 日本自衛隊, भारतीय स्थलसेना, 中華民國國軍, United States Armed Forces, Türk Silahlı Kuvvetleri, Вооружённые Силы Российской Федерации, 대한민국 국군, 조선 인민군, กองทัพไทย, Forces armées françaises, British Armed Forces BGM Command & Conquer Red Alert OST - Hell march ( Frank Klepacki ) #shorts #Kcorps #K군단 #military #밀리터리 #군사 #army #무기 #weapon