[Korean expression]~인 것 같아요 I think in Korean Pronunciation
Insta│@Korean_hangeulu E-mail│wehangeulu@gmail com #LearningKorean #Hangeul
[Ultimate Korean Endings_01] "~것 같아요" (I think, It seems that)
Thinking 것 같다 | Live Class Abridged
[Korean Speaking Pattern] Day2 한국어 말하기 연습 | "~인 것 같아요" It seems like~
Korean Lesson - 것 같아요 - It seems like, I think
Expressing Your Opinion in Korean : -것 같아요, -라고/다고 생각해요 etc
5 Essential and Simple Sentences : ...ㄴ것 같아요. #korean #eps #epstopik #epstopik2022 #epstopikkorean
한국어를 배우세요 Ep. 47: "내 생각에는" | 생각하다 vs. 것 같다
53. (는것,(으)ㄹ것,(으)ㄴ것 the thing that/ what S+V)한국인이 좋아하는 것이 뭐예요? What is the thing that Koreans like?