대파크림치즈베이글 #브런치만들기 #쉬운요리 #easycook #brunch

대파크림치즈베이글 #브런치만들기 #쉬운요리 #easycook #brunch

◾️대파크림치즈베이글 (쪽파로도 가능) (The explanation in English is below ) -베이컨, 대파 송송 썰어서 펜에 볶아 식히기 -크림치즈, 꿀1, 베이컨, 쪽파, 소금후추 살짝넣어 섞기 -베이글 위에 크림치즈 올리기 -베이글 윗면에 치즈 넣고 녹인버터 발라서 오븐에 10분 굽기 ◾️Green Onion Cream Cheese Bagel(you can also use scallions) 1 Slice the bacon and green onions (or scallions) and lightly fry them in a pan Let them cool 2 Mix cream cheese, 1 tablespoon of honey, the bacon and green onions, and a pinch of salt and pepper 3 Spread the cream cheese mixture on the bottom half of the bagel 4 Add cheese on top of the bagel, brush with melted butter, and bake in the oven for 10 minutes