또 냥줍할뻔🥹 #냥줍 #고양이일상 #삼색고양이

또 냥줍할뻔🥹 #냥줍 #고양이일상 #삼색고양이

펜션에 워낙 길냥이들이 자주 출몰 하다보니 사료를 챙겨주는편이긴 한데 손님들 고기까지 가끔 스틸해가는 녀석들이 있어요🥲 추위에 떠는 아깽이가 있어서 걱정했는데 관리실문을 살짝 열어두니 다행히 잠시 몸만 녹이고 어미냥이에게 잘 돌아갔어요😄🙃😀 (혹시 사람냄새 뭍혀온 새끼가 어미에게 버림받을까봐 걱정돼서 어미가 잘 데리고 가는것까지 확인했어요!!) 츄츄보다 더 어린 새끼고양이가 눈에 밟혀서ㅠㅠ 새끼고양이 사료도 챙겨주었답니다😍 Street cats often appear in pensions, so they tend to pack food, but there are cats that steal customers' meat from time to time 🥲 I was worried that there was a cat shivering in the cold, but fortunately, when I left the door of the maintenance room slightly open, I came in to avoid the cold for a while The kitten went back to its mother 😄🙃😀 (I was worried that I would be thrown away, so I even checked if my mom took it well!)) I kept thinking about the kitten, so I gave him food 😍