::[방송칼럼 제352편 서울한영대학교 칼럼 영상]

::[방송칼럼 제352편 서울한영대학교 칼럼 영상]

:: 본방 FEBC서울극동방송 FM106 9 매주 수요일 오후 5:45 GOODTV 설교 유튜브 삼백만부흥운동본부 총재/세계로부천교회 담임 최선 목사 말씀365 Rev Dr SUN CHOI 세계로부천교회 최선 목사 한국교회공보 논설위원 극동방송(수) PM 5시 45분 삼백만부흥운동본부 한국문인협회 한국작가회의 한국문학방송작가회 샬롬의 나비효과 저자 한국구호기구 스마일어게인 대진전자 :: 현대인들을 위한 스마트큐티 SBCM세계로방송 :: 복음전파를 위한 자원하는 후원도 부탁드립니다 (후원 351-1237-3724-83)부천가정사랑학교 대한예수교장로회 세계로부천교회 담임 최선 목사 주소 경기도 부천시 신흥로 100번길 9 (심곡1동 444-20) 전화 032-664-6174-5 세계로부천교회 위임목사 부천가정사랑학교대표 삼백만부흥운동본부총재 한국교회공보/미주교회신보 최선 칼럼/논설위원 뉴스파워/뉴스앤넷/크리스챤월드리뷰/CDN 최선 칼럼/논설위원 국제구호기구 스마일 어게인 부천중앙노회 증경노회장 FEBC서울극동방송 칼럼니스트 한국문인협회/한국작가회의/한국문학방송작가회 시인작가 :: 은혜의 시간 되시기를 바랍니다 The Three Million Revival Movement Headquarters, which conveys the cross and resurrection, which is the way, truth, and life, is operated as part of its ministry Pastor Choi Sun, who is in charge of Bucheon Church in the world, proclaims a message every Wednesday at 5:45 p m through Far East Broadcasting In addition, GOODTV is carrying out the ministry of preaching the Gospel to the global village through the early morning meditation At the same time, Dr Choi Sun, as a literary scholar, is also spurring document missionary work by publishing poems and essays As a full member of the Korean Writers' Association, the Korean Writers' Association, the Korean Literature Broadcasting Writers' Association, and the General Newspaper Society, he has published 34 e-books and more than 20 books In addition, Bucheon Church in the world is focusing on Christian cultural mission with its friends through the philosophy and worldview of Choi Sun, who led Christian culture and studied Reformed theology Church members cheer and pray for my beloved country, the Republic of Korea In particular, we are working on the ministry of creating a happy society while practicing God's love, country, and neighbor's love