[KPOP IN PUBLIC ONE TAKE] IVE 아이브 - 해야 (HEYA) || Dance cover by PonySquad

[KPOP IN PUBLIC ONE TAKE] IVE 아이브 - 해야 (HEYA) || Dance cover by PonySquad

HOLA!🇪🇸, HI!🇬🇧, ¿Queréis ayudarnos a mejorar nuestro canal? Os dejamos nuestro PayPal/SuperThanks para que vuestras aportaciones nos ayuden a seguir bailando y disfrutando con vosotros. Would you like to help us with our channel? We leave our PayPal/SuperThanks here for any help/donations for us to keep dancing and having fun with you guys! ~💕 Espero que os gusten nuestros vídeos y os llegue la ilusión con la que los hacemos – PAYPAL || https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/ponys... #kpopinpublic ​⁠‪@IVEstarship‬ #heya #ive #IVE_HEYA #switch #해야 #아이브