화분에 2포기 키워 물리도록 먹은 가지 키우기 🍆 : How to Grow Eggplant/Brinjal in Containers (7 months)

화분에 2포기 키워 물리도록 먹은 가지 키우기 🍆 : How to Grow Eggplant/Brinjal in Containers (7 months)

화분에 키워 질리도록 먹었던 가지 안녕하세요! 쑥쑥크리 입니다 이 번엔 화분에 가지를 키워 봤습니다 How to Grow Eggplant/Brinjal in Containers (7 months) Learn how to easily grow this plant in a pot We'll cover everything from ditch pot preparation, pot filling, soil fertilization, planting and mulching This method is suitable for everyone, including those with limited gardening space #가지 #가지키우기 #가지재배 #쑥쑥크리 #Eggplant #plantingeggplant #eggplantharvest #groweggplant