Korean Basic Grammar [no.1] N이에요/예요

Korean Basic Grammar [no.1] N이에요/예요

This category focuses on explaining basic Korean grammar, starting with the most fundamental concepts. By learning and practicing this grammar, I hope you can apply it in real-life situations. If you have any questions while studying with this video, feel free to leave a comment below. I hope this video is helpful for you. Thank you! The first grammar is '이에요/예요', which is similar to the verb "to be" in English. This form is often used when introducing yourself or sharing your profession. Practice this grammar by using it to introduce yourself. Try making simple sentences about who you are or what you do! #KoreanGrammarBasics #LearnKorean #KoreanforBeginners #Basickoreanlesson #easykoreangrammar #basicgrammarbeginner #beverbkorean #한국어기초문법 #이에요예요