[HOT] a teacher's buzzword , 선을 넘는 녀석들 20190216

[HOT] a teacher's buzzword , 선을 넘는 녀석들 20190216

a teacher's buzzword ▶ Playlist for THIS episodes → ▶ Click below for the latest "cross line” clips ↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓ 【cross line】 history teacher 'Seol Min-seok' Korea's Best MC Jeon Hyeonmu and Moon Geun Young, Yoo Byung-jae, Daniel Lindemann, Together, this Exploration! Yesterday's story of our line, Today's story is being kept even at this moment! the line of the Korean Peninsula that the world is paying attention to Let's visit the live scene in person! Members: Seol Min-seok, Jeon Hyeonmu, Moon Geun Young, Yoo Byung-jae, Daniel Lindemann, ★★★More "cross line" clips are available★★★ YouTube Facebook Naver Daum Homepage