How Is the Weather  Fun & Educational Weather Song for Kids, 날씨가 어때요  재미있고 교육적인 날씨 동요

How Is the Weather Fun & Educational Weather Song for Kids, 날씨가 어때요 재미있고 교육적인 날씨 동요

English:** "How’s the Weather?" is a fun and educational children’s song that helps kids learn about different types of weather Through simple and repetitive lyrics, the song asks questions about the weather—whether it’s sunny, rainy, windy, or snowy—encouraging children to observe and identify weather patterns in a fun way This song is perfect for introducing kids to basic weather concepts and making learning interactive and enjoyable - **Korean:** "How’s the Weather?"는 아이들이 다양한 날씨를 배우도록 도와주는 재미있고 교육적인 어린이 노래입니다 간단하고 반복적인 가사를 통해 햇볕이 나는지, 비가 오는지, 바람이 부는지, 눈이 오는지를 묻고, 아이들이 날씨의 변화를 관찰하고 인식할 수 있도록 유도합니다 이 노래는 아이들에게 기본적인 날씨 개념을 소개하고, 학습을 재미있고 상호작용적으로 만들어 줍니다 Tags (태그): - **English:** #HowsTheWeather, #WeatherSong, #ChildrensSong, #Educational, #WeatherPatterns, #InteractiveLearning, #Sunny, #Rainy, #Windy, #Snowy, #FunForKids #오늘날씨는어때, #날씨노래, #어린이노래, #교육적, #날씨변화, #상호작용학습, #맑음, #비옴, #바람부는날, #눈오는날, #아이들에게재미 --- Lyrics (영어 가사): **Verse 1:** How's the weather? How's the weather? How's the weather today? Is it sunny? Is it rainy? Is it windy? Is it snowy? How's the weather today? **Verse 2:** Let’s look outside, let’s look outside, What’s the weather like today? Is it sunny? Is it rainy? Is it windy? Is it snowy? What’s the weather like today?