Worship FLOW | #1 | Prayer Music | 기도찬양 | 아이자야 씩스티원

Worship FLOW | #1 | Prayer Music | 기도찬양 | 아이자야 씩스티원

[Worship FLOW] 1 Eagle's Wings 0:00 2 Jesus at the center 4:30 3 Heart of worship 8:28 4 Give thanks 11:03 5 Mighty River 13:12 6 Nothing but the Blood 16:43 ‘Eagle's Wings’ words & music by Reuben Morgan ‘Jesus at the center’ words & music by Israel & New Breed ‘Heart of worship’ words & music by Matt Redman ‘Give thanks’ words & music by Henry Smith ‘Mighty River’ song by The Katinas ‘Nothing but the Blood’ Words & Music by R Lowry Isaiah 6tyOne Connected: Instagram | Facebook | Lead Sheet | #Worshipplaylist #기도찬양 #eagleswings #givethanks #nothingbuttheblood