![(Praise the Lord) 내 주의 나라와 #1 (새찬송가 208, 통일찬송 246, 헌금송, 가사자막) [배목예배찬양]](https://poortechguy.com/image/5k7Yq_xfraA.webp)
(Praise the Lord) 내 주의 나라와 #1 (새찬송가 208, 통일찬송 246, 헌금송, 가사자막) [배목예배찬양]
2024년 6월 2일 주일/ 신대원 주일오후예배특송 I love Thy Kingdom, Lord 내 주의 나라와 새찬송가 208장, 통일찬송 246장 찬양: 박인숙목사, 최흥영목사 1 I love Thy King-dom, Lord, The house of Thine a-bode, The Church our blest Re-deem-er saved With His own pre-cious blood 2 I love Thy Church, O God; Her walls be-fore Thee stand, Dear as the ap-ple of Thine eye, And grav-en on Thy hand 3 For her my tears shall fall, For her my prayers as-cend; To her my cares and toils be given, Till toils and cares shall end 4 Be-yond my high-est joy I prize her heaven-ly ways, Her sweet com-mun-ion, sol-emn vows, Her hymns of love and praise 5 Sure as Thy truth shall last, To Zi-on shall be given The bright-est glo-ries earth can yield, And bright-er bliss of heaven A-men