#선교무용 #워십댄스 #너는자유를외쳐라 #한국무용 #국립기본 #한국무용기본 #서울예술신학교선교무용학과 #GoodTV후원 #경고춤 #소고춤 #장고춤
#서울예술신학교 -#선교무용학과,#보컬학과, #실용음악학과,#찬양음악,#뮤지컬, #연기학과 #K-POP, K-trot, K- worship praise, #K- worship dance, #K- praise music, # K-CCM, K-Korean music, #K-Korean dance, - #한국직업능력개발원등록 - #음악지도자등록민간자격증 1 2 3급 취득 - #선교무용지도사민간자격증 1, 2, 3급 취득 [#선교무용지도사자격증] 취득 1,2,3급 #한국직업능력개발원 등록 인가 등록번호 제2018-005586호 [#찬양음악전도사, 음악목사, #음악지도사,#노래강사, #보컬강시] 자격증 취득 #한국직업능력개발원 등록인가 등록번호 제2019-006839호 상담문의:02-587-1345 #Seoul Arts Theological Seminary -#Department of Missionary Dance,#Department of Vocal, #Department of Practical Music,#Praise Music,#Musical, #Department of Acting -#Registered by Korea Vocational Competency Development Institute -#Music instructor registration civil license 1 2 Level 3 acquisition -#1st, 2nd, 3rd level of missionary dance instructor civil license Acquisition of [#Mission Dance Instructor Certificate] Level 1,2,3 #Registered by Korea Vocational Competency Development Institute Registration number 2018-005586 [#Praise music evangelist, music pastor, #music instructor, #song instructor, #vocal lecture] #Registered by Korea Vocational Competency Development Institute Registration No 2019-006839 Consultation Inquiries: 02-587-1345