참 좋으신 주님 The Lord, who is really good - 김기영 keeYoung, Kim | 서울가톨릭싱어즈
✝참 좋으신 주님 The Lord, who is really good - 김기영 keeYoung, Kim 서울가톨릭싱어즈 지휘 - 황연주 로살리아 피아노 - 남효주 안젤라 2016 07 10 서초동 성당 Seoul Catholic Singers Conducted by Youn-Ju, Hwang pianist Hyo-Joo, Nam 10 Jul 2016 @Seo-Cho Catholic church ▶Cafe : [음원/자료/악보] ▶Blog : ▶Facebook : ▶Youtube : [Subscribe channel] ☞채널 구독은 저희에게 힘이 됩니다 ▶Donation 후원 : 📧공연문의 : seoulcatholicsingers@gmail com #서울가톨릭싱어즈, #서가싱, #seoulcatholicsingers Copyrightⓒ2016 Seoul Catholic Singers All right reserved -------------------------------------- 🔃The following lyrics translation is intended to help listeners understand and may differ from the intention of the composer/songwriter The Lord, who is really good, My Lord, who is invaluable, Lord is always near me, so I have no fear When my soul is tired, and my mind is disappointed, "Be in my arms" my Lord said me I will depend on You alone, O Lord, in the world like wilderness O, Lord, please, lead me to make me strong and to live in Your Love I'll depend on You alone, O Lord, forever English Translation by 김창근 (씨뿌 영작사역 협력, Ministry Helper in KOREA) 참 좋으신 주님 귀하신 나의 주, 늘 가까이 계시니 나 두려움 없네 내 영이 곤할 때, 내 맘에 낙심될 때, "내 품에 안기라" 주님 말씀 하시네 광야 같은 세상 주만 의지 하며, 주의 인도하심 날 강건케 하시며, 주의 사랑 안에서 살게 하소서 주만 의지 하리 영원토록