내 죄 속해 주신 주께ㅣAll for Jesusㅣ찬송 연주 ㅣ215장ㅣ헌신과 봉사ㅣ바이올린

내 죄 속해 주신 주께ㅣAll for Jesusㅣ찬송 연주 ㅣ215장ㅣ헌신과 봉사ㅣ바이올린

내 죄 속해 주신 주께ㅣAll for Jesusㅣ찬송 연주 ㅣ215장ㅣ헌신과 봉사ㅣ바이올린 네 마음을 다하고 목숨을 다하고 마22:37 찬양에 사용한 accompaniment 입니다 1 All for Je-sus, all for Je-sus! All my be-ing's ran-somed pow'rs: All my tho'ts and words and do-ings, All my days and all my hours All for Je-sus! all for Je-sus! All my days and all my hours; All for Je-sus! all for Je-sus! All my days and all my hours 2 Let my hands per-form His bid-ding, Let my feet run in His ways; Let my eyes see Je-sus on-ly, Let my lips speak forth His praise All for Je-sus! all for Je-sus! Let my lips speak forth His praise; All for Je-sus! all for Je-sus! Let my lips speak forth His praise 3 Since my eyes were fixed on Je-sus, I've lost sight of all be-side; So en-chained my spir-it's vi-sion, Look-ing at the Cru-ci-fied All for Je-sus! all for Je-sus! Look-ing at the Cru-ci-fied; All for Je-sus! all for Je-sus! Look-ing at the Cru-ci-fied 4 Oh, what won-der! how a-maz-ing! Je-sus, glo-rious King of kings, Deigns to call me His be-lov-ed, Lets me rest be-neath his wings All for Je-sus! all for Je-sus! Rest-ing now be-neath His wings; All for Je-sus! all for Je-sus! Rest-ing now be-neath His wings A-men #찬송가#hymn#찬송연주