Don't Close Your Eyes D.C.Y.E. English version Lee GiKwang 이기광 ENG VER Cover 하이라이트 BEAST 비스트

Don't Close Your Eyes D.C.Y.E. English version Lee GiKwang 이기광 ENG VER Cover 하이라이트 BEAST 비스트

Don't Close Your Eyes (D.C.Y.E.) English adaptation #HappyGiKwangDay 2022 to a hard-working, talented, and charming all-rounder. HIGHLIGHT/ BEAST songs adapted and uploaded ALONE    • ALONE [ENG VER] HIGHLIGHT 하이라이트 Engli...   OUR EYES (preview length)    • Video   WAVE (full)    • Video   💝Writing this form of hyper-conforming adaptation lyrics is super, super time-consuming, but I'm emotionally satisfied by being able to sing along in full emotional sync with the original vocalists. I believe many international fans who don't have the time to learn Korean would still yearn for deeper emotional connection with the songs of their favorite artists. So do share the joy with everyone who wants to sing and vibe along with these beautiful Korean voices!💝 💝하이퍼-컨포밍적인 적응형 가사를 작성하는 것은 매우 시간이 많이 소요되지만, 원래 가수와 완벽하게 감정적으로 동기화되어 노래할 수 있는 기쁨으로 감정적으로 만족합니다. 한국어를 배울 시간이 없는 많은 국제 팬들도 자신이 좋아하는 아티스트의 노래에 대한 보다 깊은 감정적 연결을 갈망할 것이라 믿으므로, 아름다운 한국어 목소리와 함께 노래하고 분위기를 느끼고 싶어하는 모든 이들과 이 기쁨을 공유해주세요!💝 More nerdy technical stuff for the curious ones... ---- Notes on the bilingual vocal mix 2 main reasons why the vocal guide is mixed next to the original vocal: Even with good AI extracted stem tracks, original audio dynamics will still be lost in a non-official instrumental track. Original studio mix is preferred for the energy level, and also respect of the artistry in the original mix. original vocal needs to be present as show-of-concept demo of Hypermatch song adaptation technique *HYPERMATCH is a term I coined for the ease of discussion, to describe a hyper-conforming-to-original-song kind of adaptation technique, that aims to preserve multiple original song elements, for the purpose of singing along to a vocal-driven song in a different language, with seamlessly matched and synched narrative meaning, emotional energy, and vocal style. Hypermatch adaptation involves standard song adaptation requirements (contextual translation, lyrics writing from scratch with close match of rhyming scheme) and on top of that: multiple conform-to-original constraints: line-by-line narrative flow match, syllabic match, vowel match, consonant match, and vocal arrangements match, with the purpose of capturing the original emotional energy, so that it feels right to sing along in a new language to the original language. This technique has been entertained in both amateur and professional songwriting circles, but it hasn't been attempted often enough. For over a year, I have refined the hypermatch technique, and adapted close to a hundred K-pop, J-pop, C-pop songs using this technique. I'll be making more videos for selected adaptations as proof of concept. Creating this type of intensive adaptation (and making MV using unofficial AV files) is tedious but my desire to communicate this creative possibility is strong. Thanks for listening to my mini Ted Talk! For more info see my About Me page :) ----- Metadata English version cover translation adaptation lyrics ENG VER SUB lyrics song cover demo intro live fan-made fan made MV subtitle #GIKWANG #HIGHLIGHT #하이라이트 #INTRO #INTRO콘서트 #highlightintro #Beast #B2ST #비스트 #동운아_내멘션은안보이지 #gikwang #leegikwang #李起光 #이기광 #기광 #predator #dujun #yoondujun #doojoon #尹斗俊 #양요섭 #요섭 #yoseob #yoseop #yangyoseop #梁耀燮 #윤두준 #두준 #dongwoon #sondongwoon #孫東雲 #孙东云 #孙男神 #손동운 #동운 HIGHLIGHT 하이라이트 KPOP BEAST B2ST 비스트 INTRO콘서트 윤두준 양요섭 이기광 손동운 Yoon Dujun Doojoon, Yang Yoseob Yoseop, Lee Gikwang, Son Dongwoon 韩男团 高光 嗨一莱特 嗨赖 尹斗俊 梁耀燮 李起光 孫東雲 孙东云 孙男神 ユンドゥジュン ヤンヨソプ イギグァン ソンドンウン 专业 英文 英语 歌词 英词翻译 歌词翻译 英文版 韩男团 英文版 翻译 字幕