1968 Beethoven Piano Sonata No 8 "Pathetique" 2nd mov Freidrich Gulda 베토벤 피아노소나타 8번 비창 2악장 프리드리히 굴다

1968 Beethoven Piano Sonata No 8 "Pathetique" 2nd mov Freidrich Gulda 베토벤 피아노소나타 8번 비창 2악장 프리드리히 굴다

You can listen to the whole song in the LP Vinyl with Vintage Turntables from 1950s and 1960s in my other YouTube channel It is played with Nordmende Phono-Super 59Z Vintage Tube Turntable, made in W Germany in 1959 1968 Released, Beethoven Piano Sonata No 8 in C Minor Op 13 2nd movement Freidrich Gulda, piano You can see the pictures of the LP label and the jacket in the Community Menu #classical #piano #american #LP #1960s #tube #vinyl #classic #classical #music #america #tube #amp #amplifier #nordmende #LP #1950s #record #lp #tube #amplifier #amp #Vintage #turntable #beethoven #moonlight #sonata #piano #gulda