[서울인디애니페스트2023] 선셋 싱어즈 Sunset SingersㅣTrailer
아시아로1 ASIA ROAD1 [선셋 싱어즈 Sunset Singers] 제시카 푼 Jessica POON 홍콩의 은퇴자 커플, 롱과 소피는 아마추어 가수로서 각자 따로 공연에 참가한다 사회적 불안에도 불구하고 공연은 평소처럼 시작된다 소피는 행사장에 일찍 도착해서 준비를 시작했지만, 롱은 예기치 못한 일로 지하철에 갇힌다 The retired Hong Kong couple, Long and Sophie, as amateur singers, attend their singing performance separately Despite social unrest, their performance sets off as usual While Sophie arrives early at the venue and gets herself prepared, Long is caught up in the subway by an unexpected circumstance Employing both animation and documented materials obtained during the Anti-extradition Protests 2019, Sunset Singers presents a fictional commentary on the parallel lives of Hong Kong’s individuals ------------------------------------------------------------------ ▷Seoul Indie-AniFest2023 ▶Website : ▷Facebook : ▶Instagram : ▷Twitter : ------------------------------------------------------------------