!["평안해" (It is well with my soul) arr. by 박지훈, Zion Jihoon Park,](https://poortechguy.com/image/Haa3yWH6F2A.webp)
"평안해" (It is well with my soul) arr. by 박지훈, Zion Jihoon Park,
Teaser 1 for Lecture Recital on Dec rehearsal "평안해" (It is well with my soul) arr by Zion Jihoon Park, based on the poetry of H G Spafford/ Spafford는 배의 침몰로 4명의 딸들을 잃게 됩니다 독실한 크리스찬이었던 그는, 홀로 살아남은 아내를 데려오기 위해 영국으로 항해하던 중 자녀들이 잠긴 물위를 지나며 통곡하며 기도하던 때에 마음 깊은 곳에서 하나님에 대한 신뢰와 평안을 느끼게 되며, “평안해, 내 영혼 평안해” (It is well with my soul) 의 고백이 이루어집니다 이 고백이 우리가 잘 아는 찬송가 413장 (#UMH 377)의 시가 되었습니다 Spafford lost his four daughters in the sinking of the ship As he sailed to England to bring his wife, who was the only survivor, and as the ship passed over the sea where his children lay drowned, he wept and prayed,,,, and felt a deep sense of trust and peace in God, leading to the confession, "It is well with my soul " This confession became the poem in UMH 377 that we know so well