16 Korean Vocabulary with the final consonant 받침 ㅁ

16 Korean Vocabulary with the final consonant 받침 ㅁ

00:00 Introduction 00:06 곰 bear 00:11 몸 body 00:16 밤 night 00:21 봄 spring 00:26 잠 sleep 00:31 힘 strength 00:36 감자 potato 00:41 남자 man 00:46 사람 person 00:51 김치 kimchi 00:56 이름 name 01:01 소금 salt 01:06 잠자리 dragonfly 01:11 임금님 king 01:16 시금치 spinach 01:21 컴퓨터 computer #koreanlearning #koreanlanguage #Koreanchallenge #koreanpronunciation #Koreanalphabet #koreanbeginner #koreanvocab #Koreanvocabulary #Koreanleaner #koreanlistening #koreantutorial #koreantutor #studyKorean #koreanalphabet #Kpop #koreandrama #howtolearnkorean #learnkoreanwords #learnkorean #easykorean #beginnerkorean #koreanwords #koreanword #koreanwordoftheday #Koreanpractice #Koreansounds * Music Source: When You're Not Looking - Nathan Moore from the Youtube Audio Library