코로나완치 후 기침? 폐섬유화 를 의심해볼 수 있습니다!#코로나후유증 #코로나기침

코로나완치 후 기침? 폐섬유화 를 의심해볼 수 있습니다!#코로나후유증 #코로나기침

#코로나 #covid19 #코로나후유증 #폐섬유화 #폐섬유증 #기침 #GC #녹십자 목소리 출처 : NAVER CLOVA 더빙 참고 문헌 1) Diagnostic value of serum KL-6 in interstitial Lung Disease European Respiratory Journal 2018 2) Cho Ej, et al Ann Lab Med Analytical and clinical performance of the Nanopia Krebs von den lungen 6 assay in Korean patients with interstitial lung disease 2019;39(3):245-251 3) Guo Zijun , Association of serum KL-6 levels with interstitial lung disease in patients with connective tissue disease (CTD-ILD):a cross-sectional study and longitudinal study European Respiratory Journal 2017