역량향상교육 Training Session | 감독 김창범 KIM Changbum ​| 22nd JEONJU IFF OFFICIAL TRAILER

역량향상교육 Training Session | 감독 김창범 KIM Changbum ​| 22nd JEONJU IFF OFFICIAL TRAILER

🎬 Title: 역량향상교육 / Training Session 🎬 Director: 김창범 / KIM Changbum 갑작스레 구조 조정을 당한 윤지와 동료 직원들 교외의 한 폐창고로 유배되어 ´역량향상교육´을 받기 시작한다 윤지는 회사로 돌아갈 수 있을까? Yoonjee and colleagues are suddenly restructured They are exiled to an old warehouse and begin to receive training sessions Will Yoonjee be able to return to the company? [Part of the 22nd JEONJU IFF's Selection] - FILM GOES ON! With JEONJU IFF! 📣 Website: 📣 Instagram: 📣 Facebook: 📣 Twitter: 📣 Youtube: 📣 Newsletter: