(ENG) 자취생 단골 메뉴 초간단 삼겹김치볶음 /Stir-fried pork belly kimchi /김치삼겹살볶음/ korean food / korea mammy

(ENG) 자취생 단골 메뉴 초간단 삼겹김치볶음 /Stir-fried pork belly kimchi /김치삼겹살볶음/ korean food / korea mammy

도와주세요~~~~~리119, 짱여사예요^^ 내년에 성인이 되는 딸아이를 위해 유튜브를 시작하게 되었어요 엄마가 딸에게 알려주는 쉽고 간단한 레시피 누구나 쉽고 간단하게 만들수 있도록 알려 드릴께요 자취생이나 혼밥러, 요리 초보자 누구나 쉽게 따라할수 있도록^^ 최소한의 재료로 재료 본연의 맛을 느껴 보세요~ 구독과 좋아요~!!! 감사합니다 요리119 인스타그램 [ [1스푼= 밥 숟가락, 1컵=종이컵] 삼겹김치볶음 -재료(material)- 냉동대패삼겹살 600g Frozen thin pork belly 600g 김치 1/4쪽 A quarter of kimchi 설탕 1스푼 A spoonful of sugar -sequence- Cut kimchi into bite-sized pieces Grease a frying pan and stir-fry pork belly Add kimchi and stir-fry Add 1 spoon of sugar and stir-fry for 5 minutes ------------------------------------------------------------ Hi~~~!! This is cooking 119, Mrs Zzang It has been 23 years since I became a housewife with 2 sons and 1 daughter I started YouTube for mydaugther who`s going to be an adult next year I have a certificate of qualification for Korean food and Western food I`m good at making simple dishes and lunch boxes I will introduce simple and easy recipes that mothers tell their daughters so, anyone can follow me easily Come visit often