Growing Broccoli Sprouts|브로콜리싹 키우기 [Time lapse|Little sprout #8] ブロッコリ

Growing Broccoli Sprouts|브로콜리싹 키우기 [Time lapse|Little sprout #8] ブロッコリ

2020 12 21 안녕하세요 Algae 입니다 브로콜리를 떠올리면 어떤 이미지가 생각나시나요? 저는 작은 나무처럼 생긴 꽃봉우리 뭉치가 생각납니다 꽃봉우리를 먹기 위해 개량된 양배추인 브로콜리를 새싹으로도 즐길 수 있답니다 이번 영상에는 브로콜리 새싹이 자라는 모습을 담아보았습니다 재밌게 영상 보시고 좋은 하루되시길 바랍니다 ===== 12 21 2020 Hello, this is Algae When you think of broccoli, what kind of image do you think of? I think of a bunch of buds that look like little trees You can also enjoy broccoli, a cabbage that has been improved to eat flower buds, as sprouts In this video, I shot broccoli sprouts growing Have fun watching the video and hope you have a nice day ===== 음원출처 (Sound source) Youtube channel: Music for Video Library Sound source title: NO COPYRIGHT Cooking Video Music | Cooking Show Background Music No Copyright by MUSIC4VIDEO Sound source address: ===== 식물 종 (Plant species) Name: Broccoli, 브로콜리, ブロッコリ Scientific name: Brassica oleracea var italica plenck