【K】Bangladesh Travel-Rangamati[방글라데시 여행-랑가마티]맨발 아이들의 진흙탕 축구/Muddy Football/Children

【K】Bangladesh Travel-Rangamati[방글라데시 여행-랑가마티]맨발 아이들의 진흙탕 축구/Muddy Football/Children

■ KBS 걸어서 세계속으로 PD들이 직접 만든 해외여행전문 유투브 채널 【Everywhere, K】 ■ The Travels of Nearly Everywhere! 10,000 of HD world travel video clips with English subtitle! (Click on 'subtitles/CC' button) ■ '구독' 버튼을 누르고 10,000여 개의 생생한 【HD】영상을 공유 해 보세요! (Click on 'setting'-'quality'- 【1080P HD】 ! / 더보기 SHOW MORE ↓↓↓) ● Subscribe to YOUTUBE - ● Follow me on TWITTER - ● Like us on FACEBOOK - ● KBS 걸어서세계속으로 홈페이지 - [한국어 정보] 하루에 서너번씩 비가 오는데 실내 체육관이 없는 아이들은 어떻게 놀까? 답은 진흙탕에서 공을 찬다는 것이다 아이들이 헤집어 놓은 진흙위로 놀라 나온 벌레를 오리들이 소탕한다 그래도 여유가 있는 아이는 다리에 헝겊 신발을 신었다 그들에게 장래에 무엇이 되고 싶은지 물었다 “축구선수요 축구선수요 축구 국가대표요 의사요 기술자요 군인이요 ” 타고르가 쓴 황금의 땅 방글라데시 이 아이들이 정말 황금의 땅에서 살 수 있을까 국가는 웅장하기 보다는 애절하다 [English: Google Translator] Ohneunde ratio by three or four times a day, children do not have an indoor gym nolkka? The answer is to kick the ball in the mud Children from worms surprised to dredge up mud ducks are put to sweeping But kids who wore the cloth shoes to afford the bridge They want to be asked what in the future "Football players John Football player John State Representative John football John doctor Sleep technology Soldiers, please "Tagore wrote a golden land of Bangladesh Will these children can really live in the land of gold Country is bittersweet rather than grandeur [Bengali: Google Translator] তিন বা চার বার একটি দিন দ্বারা Ohneunde অনুপাত, শিশু একটা ইন্ডোর জিম nolkka হবে না? উত্তর কাদা বল মরে হয় কাদা পাতিহাঁসের দেহে আপ ঝালা বিস্মিত কৃমি থেকে শিশুদের নির্বিচার করা হয় কিন্তু কাপড় জুতা পরতেন বাচ্চাদের সেতু সামর্থ্য তারা কি ভবিষ্যতে জিজ্ঞাসা করতে চান "ফুটবল খেলোয়াড়দের জন ফুটবল প্লেয়ার জন রাজ্য প্রতিনিধি জন ফুটবল জন ডাক্তার ঘুম প্রযুক্তি সৈন্যদের, দয়া করে " ঠাকুর বাংলাদেশের একটি সুবর্ণ জমি লিখেছেন এই শিশুদের সত্যিই সোনার দেশে বাস করতে হবে দেশ বরং জাঁকজমক চেয়ে bittersweet হয় [Information] ■클립명: 아시아027-방글라데시01-10 맨발 아이들의 진흙탕 축구/Muddy Football/Children ■여행, 촬영, 편집, 원고: 설상환 PD (travel, filming, editing, writing: KBS TV Producer) ■촬영일자: 2010년 6월 June [Keywords] 아시아,Asia,방글라데시,Bangladesh,People's Republic of Bangladesh,설상환,2010,6월 June