![Braised Mackerel/고등어조림(godeungeo-jorim)#cancerfood #cancer #cancerfighting #암식단 #암환자식단 #암](https://poortechguy.com/image/Mv2PiPEniEQ.webp)
Braised Mackerel/고등어조림(godeungeo-jorim)#cancerfood #cancer #cancerfighting #암식단 #암환자식단 #암
Today's menu is Braised Mackerel. Mackerel efficacy Anti-inflammatory effect = Omega-3 fatty acids are effective in reducing chronic inflammation of the body. Improvement of vascular disease = It is a rich omega-3 fatty acid that improves various vascular diseases such as thrombosis, myocardial infarction, and high blood pressure. Improvement of brain function = Due to the unsaturated fatty acid content, it contains a lot of DHA that is effective in improving brain function, which is effective in brain development and prevention of dementia in growing children. Prevention of eye diseases = It contains DHA and is effective in preventing eye diseases such as retinal health and dry eyes. Prevention of depression = Omega-3 fatty acids are effective in preventing depression. ** Because of the mercury content, please take it twice a week^^ ** Braised mackerel that is healthy and delicious Please find out how to make it through the video.^^ 오늘의 메뉴는 고등어조림이에요. 고등어의 효능 항염증 효과 = 오메가-3 지방산으로 몸의 만성적인 염증을 줄이는데 효과적이에요. 혈관 질환 개선 = 풍부한 오메가-3 지방산으로 혈전증, 심근경색, 고혈압 등 각종 혈관 질환 개선 효과가 있어요. 뇌기능 향상 = 불포화지방산 함유로 뇌기능 향상에 효과적인 DHA가 많이 들어 있어 성장기 아이들 두뇌 발달, 치매 예방 효과가 있어요. 안구 질환 예방 = DHA함유로 망막 건강 안구 건조증 등 안구 질환 예방에 효능이 있어요. 우울증 예방 = 오메가-3 지방산 함유로 우울증 예방해주는 효과가 있어요. ** 수은 함량으로 인해 일주일에 2회 정도만 섭취해 주세요^^ ** 몸에도 좋고 맛도 좋은 고등어 조림 만드는 법은 영상을 통해 알아가 주세요.^^ #cancerfood #cancer #cancerfighting #cancerfight #cancerfighter #cooking #cook #cookingchannel #cookingvideo #cookingathome #cookingtips #cookingrecipes #cookingrecipefordinner #cookingfood #recipe #recipeoftheday #recipeshare #recipevideo #recipeideas #recipeideas #food #foodblogger #foodie #foodvlog #foodies #foodphotography #foodcooking #foodcookingvideos #foodcookingchannel #foodcookingrecipe #kfood #kfoodcooking #kfoodrecipe #kfoods #koreanfood #koreanfoodrecipes #koreanfoodcooking #koreanfoodvlog #koreanfoodculture #koreanfoodrecipes #koreanfoodrecipe #delicious #deliciousfood #deliciousrecipe #lunchrecipe #dinnerrecipe #breakfastrecipe #tasty #tastyfood #tastyrecipe #tastyrecipes #tastyfoods #effectiveness #mackerelrecipe #mackerelfish #mackerel #braisedspicy #braisedspicyseafood #braised #fish #fishrecipe #fishcutting #fishrecipes #healthyfood #healthyrecipes #healthy #easyrecipe #easycooking #superdelicious #supereasyrecipe #veganrecipes #vegancooking #veganrecipe #vegan #veganfoodshare #pesco #vegetarian #simplecooking #simplerecipe #simplecookingchannel #simplecook #simplecookingvideos #simplecookingrecipe #simplecookingrecipe #maindish #mainmenu #withrice #kimchi #건강한레시피 #건강요리 #건강정보 #건강식 #치매예방 #두뇌발달 #혈관건강에좋은음식 #눈건강 #고등어무조림 #고등어요리 #고등어 #레시피 #레시피공유 #레시피영상 #레시피추천 #요리 #요리영상 #요리법 #요리브이로그 #쿠킹브이로그 #쿠킹 #생선 #생선손질 #생선조림 #생선요리 #조림 #암식단 #암환자식단 #암예방 #암 #암극복 #음식 #음식효능 #음식정보 #음식소개 #무조림 #양념 #고등어효능 #간단요리 #간단한요리 #간단식사 #간단한만들기 #한끼 #한끼식사 #한끼요리 #쉬운레시피 #쉬운요리 #쉬운반찬 #밥반찬 #한그릇