KIMES 2023_국제의료기기·병원설비전시회_V2

KIMES 2023_국제의료기기·병원설비전시회_V2

38th International Medical Device and Hospital Equipment Exhibition (KIMES 2023) KIMES, Asia's representative medical hub exhibition! Presenting innovative digital medical technology and rapidly changing medical environment that will lead the future Unique Platform to Experience the Advance Medical Technology 제38회 국제의료기기·병원설비전시회 (KIMES 2023) 아시아를 대표하는 의료허브전시회, KIMES ! 미래를 이끌 혁신 디지털 의료기술과 급변하는 의료환경 제시 - website : - ecplaza website : kr ecplaza net - ecplaza B2B Platform : - ecplaza YouTube channel : youtube com/c/ecplazatv - ecplaza Facebook : #medical #hospital #exhibition