396-400 명절, 설날, 떡국, 세배, 윷놀이 | TOPIK Vocabulary for beginners |5 Korean words a day (Mon-Fri.)
⭐️ 396-400 명절, 설날, 떡국, 세배, 윷놀이 | TOPIK Vocabulary for beginners | 5 Korean words a day (Mon-Fri ) ❣️ PDF download: 명절 [명절] [myeong-jeol] n holiday 명절을 맞다 [명저를 맏따] [myeong-jeo-reul mat-dda] to celebrate the holiday 설날 [설랄] [seol-lal] n the Lunar New year 설날 음식 [설랄 음식] [seol-lal eum-sik] New Year's food 떡국 [떡꾹] [ddeok-gguk] n ddeok-guk; sliced rice cake soup 설날에 떡국을 먹다 [설라레 떡꾸글 먹따] [seol-la-re ddeok-ggu-geul meok-dda] to eat ddeok-guk on New Year's Day 세배 [세배] [se-bae] n sebae; New Year's bow 세배를 드리다 [세배를 드리다] [se-bae-reul deu-ri-da] to do a New Year's bow 윷놀이 [윤노리] [yun-no-ri] n Yut-no-ri 윷놀이를 하다 [윤노리를 하다] [yun-no-ri-reul ha-da] to play Yut-no-ri ❣️ 5 Korean words a day (Mon-Fri ): ❣️ TOPIK Korean Vocabulary for beginners (with PDF) (Sat): #베이직코리안 #basickorean #basickoreanvocabulary #koreanvocabulary #koreanvocabularywithbasickorean #topik #topikvocabulary #TOPIKkorean #한국어어휘 #한국어단어 #토픽어휘 #토픽단어 #basickoreanBK #5koreanwrodsaday #learnkorean #learnkoreanwords #koreanlesson #koreanlanguage