[4K] 10년만의 국군의 날 시가행진 풀버전 Parade for Armed Forces Day in Rain

[4K] 10년만의 국군의 날 시가행진 풀버전 Parade for Armed Forces Day in Rain

#국군의날 #parade #ArmedForcesDay *2023년 건군 75주년 국군의 날을 맞아 시가행진이 있었습니다 비가 오는 날인데도 수 많은 인파가 몰려서 구경을 했습니다 하지만 그치지 않고 비가 오는데 진행된 퍼레이드를 보기 위해 모인 사람들은 짜증이 매우 컸고, 그럼에도 불구하고 시민들은 자신들의 불편함보다도 그 행사를 위해 소집된 군인들을 더 걱정하는 모습이었습니다 고맙다~ 수고한다~를 외치는 몇몇 사람들의 모습도 보였구요 보답이라도 하듯이 군인들은 시민들과 눈이라도 마주치면 손을 흔들었고, 그렇게 40분 정도의 행사는 끝났습니다 ======================== [💛서울런 구독하기 Subscribe for more 4K Walking Tour Videos] [🧡Now in Korea facebook] ======================== Now in Korea Now_in_Korea NIK a good place to go on a date Outing and Dating Seoul walker Seoul walk Walking in Seoul To walk in Seoul Browsing in Seoul English subtitle English subtitles travel trip guide guided tour guided Korea vicarious travel Korean Stroll Stroller vibe ambience tourist attractions Parade Armed Forces Day Army Navy Air force 국군의 날 군인 해군 육군 공군 해병 특수부대 탱크 미사일 드론 현무 For the first time in a decade, Seoul citizens will witness a large-scale military parade, with tanks and armed forces marching across the city center Tuesday amid escalating tensions with North Korea Major thoroughfares will be closed throughout the day for the event celebrating the 75th anniversary of the Korean Armed Forces' founding, the Seoul Metropolitan Police Agency announced on Sept 20 Infantry units will enter the city center through the city’s eastern outskirts on buses, leading to partial traffic restrictions from approximately 1:40 p m to 2:50 p m stretching from Dongbu expressway to Gangbyeon expressway Meanwhile, tanks and armored vehicles are expected to cut through Seoul's southern outskirts, moving through Bangbae-dong and Dongjak-dong before crossing the Hangang Bridge to reach downtown Seoul Traffic along this route will be restricted in both directions, from 1:30 p m to 3:23 p m A joint march will take place in downtown Seoul from 4 p m, covering a 1 5-kilometer stretch from Namdaemun to Gwanghwamun Roads between these two landmarks will remain closed from 2 p m until 6 p m While some streets are expected to reopen by 4:40 p m , others could be closed until the next morning, according to the police