갈릭 로스트치킨♥오븐으로 간단하게 뚝딱 Garlic Roast Chicken in Oven

갈릭 로스트치킨♥오븐으로 간단하게 뚝딱 Garlic Roast Chicken in Oven

일주일에 피로를 날려주는 맛있는 닭요리~ 레몬즙 듬뿍~ 갈릭향 솔솔 나는 로스트치킨 어떠세요? 200도 예열 오븐에서 슝슝 돌려 완성하는 간단하고 맛있는 갈릭로스트치킨이에용~ ♥ 구독해주세요! Subscribe me! ♥ Ingredients of garlick roast chicken (2 servings) - 1 chicken, 2 potatoes, 3 lemons ♥ Directions (1) Cut into 2 potatoes and 2 lemons into 8 pieces (2) Remove the giblets, trim the excess fat Add rice wine 150ml, salt, red pepper, squeeze the juice from a lemon, sliced lemons (3) Cover with plastic wrap and let it rest 3 hours (4) Rost the chicken in the preheated 200℃ oven for 1/2 hour (5) Add olive oil 15ml, parsley powder to sliced potatoes and stir until mixed well (6) Stir crushed garlic 15ml, olive oil 45ml until mixed well (7) Remove the roasted chicken for 1/2 hour from the oven flip it over and brush top with garlic sauce Add seasoned potatoes (8) Rost the chicken again in the preheated 200℃oven for 1/2 hour, Done! ♥ 로스트치킨 요리재료 (2인분, 계란스푼 15ml) - 재료: 닭한마리 700g, 감자 2개(250g), 레몬 3개 - 밑간 : 청주 150ml, 굵은소금, 후추 - 소스 : 다진마늘3, 올리브유3 - 감자양념 : 올리브유 1, 파슬리조금 ♥ 램블부부 Blog