2021 달라스 한인회 회장 취임식 축하 영상 | 2021 Korean Society Chairman Congratulation Video

2021 달라스 한인회 회장 취임식 축하 영상 | 2021 Korean Society Chairman Congratulation Video

2021 달라스 한인회 회장 취임식 축하 영상 | 2021 Korean Society President Congratulation Video 유성주 제38대 달라스 한인회장 Jay Yoo, Chairman The Korean Society of Dallas is pleased to announce the appointment of our new Chairman, Jay Yoo (Korean Name: Sung Ju Yoo) She will be the 38th chair of the KSD and lead the society for two years starting in 2020 Jay is a passionate leader with a focus in old-generation's healthcare and welfare in Korean American community in Dallas-Fort Worth area She is also highly interested in women's participation in community activities and services After immigrating from South Korea in 2000, she enterprises the Korea Health Care and delivered medical and health-related mentorship to the society Jay joined the KSD Leadership team in early 2016 as the director of health and welfare and have been actively contributing to the Korean Amerian community in the area