슬픈 마음 있는 사람 Take the Name of Jesus With You / 찬송가 바이올린 [365찬양 매일찬양]

슬픈 마음 있는 사람 Take the Name of Jesus With You / 찬송가 바이올린 [365찬양 매일찬양]

슬픈 마음 있는 사람 Take the Name of Jesus With You / 찬송가 바이올린 [365찬양 매일찬양] 1 Take the name of Je-sus with you, Child of sor-row and of Woe; It will joy and com-fort give you, Take it then Where'er you go Pre-cious name, O how sweet! Hope of earth and joy of heaven, Pre-cious name, O how sweet Hope of earth and joy of heaven 2 Take the name of Je-sus ev-er, As a shield from ev-'ry snare; If temp-ta-tion round you gath-er, Breathe that ho-ly name in prayer 3 O the pre-cious name of Je-sus! How it thrills our souls with joy When His lov-ing arms re-ceive us, And His songs our tongues employ! 4 At the name of Je-sus Bow-ing, Fall-ing pros-trate at His feet, King of kings in heaven we'll crown Him, When our jour-ney is com-plete 4월찬양 재생목록 듣기🎻 Accompaniment #91장#찬송가#Hymn#찬송가바이올린#잔잔한찬양