[실생활 영어 회화] - 비즈니스 전화 통화

[실생활 영어 회화] - 비즈니스 전화 통화

안녕하세요! 업무 중 전화 통화에 유용하게 쓰이는 회화 문장들 입니다 전화로 업무를 처리하고 대응할 수 있습니다 반복해서 듣고 따라하시면 영어 실력이 올라갈 거에요! 여러분의 실생활 영어 회화 실력 향상에 함께하겠습니다! #실생활영어 #비즈니스영어회화 #전화영어 #영어회화 #영어공부 #영어 Hello, John speaking This is Lee in Accounting Speaking Sorry, he is not in I'm Sorry, but she is out of the office Would you like to hold? Do you want to speak to his secretary? Would you like to leave a message? May I have your contact e-mail? Could you tell me who's calling? May I ask what the call is about? Hi, this is Peter Could I speak to Jane in HR? I'm calling to ask a favor I'm calling to change my reservation This is about the job opening Could you ask him to call me back? Please have him to stop by my office? Please tell him I sent him an e-mail I'm sorry, can you speak up? Mind if I have you talk to someone else? Would you mind if I record our conversation? Actually, not G, It's Z Sorry, I think we got disconnected Sorry, I think my battery is running out I'll make sure to remind him Do you want me to call you back? Would you like me to change the schedule? Let me just check the schedule How does this week sound? How about we discuss it now? I'm afraid I can't help you What do you say we talk later instead? I'm in a meeting right now I'm with a client right now I'm on my way out right now Can I call you a little later? Can I call you when I'm free? I appreciate you explaining the situation I'm glad we made that clear All right, I'll let you go