![baby & kids Book(마음동화_두려움_쿵쾅쿵쾅 무슨일이지?)](https://poortechguy.com/image/ZbdwqwWhfj8.webp)
baby & kids Book(마음동화_두려움_쿵쾅쿵쾅 무슨일이지?)
Try and review baby book & toys ●제목 : 마음동화_두려움_쿵쾅쿵쾅 무슨일이지? ●설명 : 두려움이라는 감정이 어떤 건지 스토리를 통해 알 수 있어요 ●특징 : 감정표현과 마음을 알아채기에 아직은 서툰 아이들을 위한 책입니다 심플한 일러스트와 함께 자신이 느끼는 마음이 어떤 감정인지 이해하기 쉽게 표현되어있어요 ●Title: Heart Fairytale_Fear_What's happening? ●Explanation: Through the story, you can learn what the feeling of fear is like ●Feature: This is a book for children who are not yet good at expressing emotions and understanding their feelings With simple illustrations, it is expressed in an easy-to-understand way to understand what emotions you are feeling ※ This video was taken after purchasing and using the product This is a post that aims to help you make a choice by selecting toys and books that are helpful in education and indirectly experiencing them through video If there is a problem with copyright, we will delete it