![【4k】동대문시장 쇼핑몰 - Dongdaemun Market Street 2021, Seoul, Korea](https://poortechguy.com/image/dGxYbufiDw4.webp)
【4k】동대문시장 쇼핑몰 - Dongdaemun Market Street 2021, Seoul, Korea
Map of walked streets : 1905년 김종한 외 3인이 광장주식회사를 설립하고 동대문시장(현재 광장시장)을 등록함으로써 최초의 근대 시장으로 출발하였다 일제강점기에는 배오개시장으로 알려지기도 했는데, 전차의 부설과 한국전쟁 이후 근처에 평화시장 등이 생겨나면서 상권이 더 커져 남대문시장과 함께 서울의 양대 시장으로 발전하였다 1990년대 상가 팀204가 건설되고, 이후 동대문길을 따라 아트프라자, 우노꼬레, 혜양엘리시움, 디자이너클럽, 프레야타운, 밀리오레, 두산타워 등도 들어서면서 시장과 주변이 복합현대화되었다 Dongdaemun Market opened in July 1905 in Yeji-dong (예지동 禮智洞), whose name means "a neighborhood for learning politeness", so the market was originally called Baeugaejang (배우개장, "market for learning") It was also called Gwangjang Market (광장시장) as a company of the same name was set up as market management The market was set in a closed structure until the Korean War, when it was completely destroyed It slowly rebuilt over the years and, in 1959, a building was constructed and the market was revived In 1998 and 1999, large shopping malls such as Geopyeong Freya, Migliore, and Doosan Tower were built in the district, and the market was renovated with a modern atmosphere in the traditional market 도움이 되셨다면 '구독'과 '좋아요'를 눌러 주세요 감사합니다 If you like this video, please 'subscribe' and 'like' it Small attention is also a great force for me #Korea #Seoul #walk #동대문시장 #쇼핑몰