[ENG SUB] 에베소서 한눈에 보기_Ephesians

[ENG SUB] 에베소서 한눈에 보기_Ephesians

# 강좌 소개: 진쌤과 함께하는 에베소서 산책은 에베소서 전체의 숲을 보며 에베소서의 핵심을 중점으로 한 강의입니다 # 진쌤 활동: 진스 바이블 아카데미(Jin's Bible Academy)를 운영하며 성경통독과 성경 66권에 대한 강의를 하고 있습니다 # “진쌤! 성경이 보여요”의 저자 # 구독과 좋아요, 알람 설정으로 “진쌤과 함께하는 성경강좌”의 프로그램을 더 보실 수 있습니다 # Introduction to the course: The Ephesians with Teacher Jin is a lecture focusing on the core of the Ephesians while looking at the forest of the entire Ephesians # About Teacher Jin: Pastor Mijin Yoon Seoul Theological University Graduate School of Biblical Theology (M T S) Seoul Theological University Graduate School of Ministry (M Div) Seoul Theological University Graduate School of Biblical Theology (Th M) Seoul Theological University Graduate School of Biblical Studies Th D (Th D course) # Teacher Jin activities She currently runs the Jin's Bible Academy, where she teaches Bible readings and 66 books of the Bible # “ Teacher Jin! Author of “See the Bible” # By subscribing, liking, and setting the alarm, you can see more programs of “Bible Lectures with Teacher Jin”