내 영혼이 은총 입어 (영어가사+한글직역/번역) Where Jesus Is 'Tis Heaven 찬송가438장 Since Christ My Soul From Sin Set Free

내 영혼이 은총 입어 (영어가사+한글직역/번역) Where Jesus Is 'Tis Heaven 찬송가438장 Since Christ My Soul From Sin Set Free

#주예수와_동행하니 #그어디나_하늘나라 #영어로찬송가부르기 영어암송GY쌤 유료채널 가입하여 혜택받기: 1 Since Christ my soul from sin set free, This world has been a Heav’n to me; And 'mid earth's sor-rows and its woe, 'Tis heav’n my Je-sus here to know O hallelujah, yes, 'tis heav’n 'Tis heav’n to know my sins forgiv’n; On land or sea, what matters where? Where Jesus is, 'tis Heaven there 2 Once Heaven seemed a far off place, Till Jesus showed His smiling face; Now it's begun within my soul, 'Twill last while end-less ages roll 3 What matters where on earth we dwell? On mountain top or in the dell, In cottage or a mansion fair, Where Jesus is 'tis Heaven there GY쌤 영어찬양 악보저장소 GY쌤 카카오톡 채널 추가하기 #gyssem #영어찬양 #영어로찬송가부르기 #성경구절암송