![식사보조 로봇 CareMeal, Meal Assist Robot](https://poortechguy.com/image/mHoCspM7KxQ.webp)
식사보조 로봇 CareMeal, Meal Assist Robot
근력이 부족하여 혼자 식사가 어려운 장애인을 보조해주는 로봇 밥과 반찬을 집어주는 팔(그랩 암)과 입에 넣어주는 팔(스푼 암)으로 구성된 양팔 로봇 조이스틱으로 식사 동작을 제어할 수 있으며, 휴대전화에서 전용 앱 CareApp을 이용하여 식사 속도와 순서, 한번 식사량을 설정할 수 있다 숟가락의 교환이 쉬워서 개인뿐 아니라 요양 시설에서 교대로 사용할 수 있다 NT로봇 제공 CareMeal is a robot designed to help those individuals having difficulty eating by himself or herself for physical disabilities and poor physical strength It is a dual-arm robot comprised of a grab arm that grips food, such as steamed rice and side dishes, and a spoon arm that delivers food near the user’s mouth The meal assist operation can be controlled with a joystick, and the speed, the order of selecting food, and the amount of meals per spoon can be preset with a dedicated app, CareApp, on a mobile phone In addition to personal uses, it can be used in nursing facilities to serve multiple individuals in turn as the spoon can be changed Presented by NT Robot