해무 (Sea Fog, 2014) 무대인사 후기 영상 (Stage Greeting Video)

해무 (Sea Fog, 2014) 무대인사 후기 영상 (Stage Greeting Video)

해무 (Sea Fog, 2014) 무대인사 후기 영상 (Stage Greeting Video) directed by 심성보(Sim Seong-bo) and produced by 봉준호 (Bong Joon-ho) 한치 앞을 알 수 없는 해무 속, 낡은 어선에 오른 여섯 명의 선원이 밀항자들을 실어 나르게 되면서 걷잡을 수 없는 사건에 휘말리는 이야기를 그린 영화 Based on true events, the story is about a large 69-ton fishing boat's crew as they attempt to smuggle in illegal migrants in order to keep their fishing jobs But their plan goes wrong when they meet a tragic accident while transporting the thirty or so illegal migrants on the ship amid a heavy sea fog 개봉일(Released Date) : 2014년 8월 13일(Released Date in Korea : 08/13/2014) 감독(Director) : 심성보(Sim Seong-bo) 출연(Cast) : 김윤석(Kim Yoon-seok), 박유천(Park Yoo-chun), 한예리(Han Ye-ri), 이희준(Lee Hee-joon), 문성근(Moon Seong-geun) 장르(Genre) : 드라마, 스릴러(Drama, Thriller) Country: South Korea Check our G+ Page: Click to Subscribe: Check our Website: Follow us also on: Facebook: Twitter: New movie releases including trailers, clips, TV spots and other extra videos related to films from all over the world every day!