당근빵 아침식사 당근듬뿍 건강에 좋은빵 carrot bread Carrot cake, 당근케이크 ,홈베이킹  : 간단요리Simple cooking#96

당근빵 아침식사 당근듬뿍 건강에 좋은빵 carrot bread Carrot cake, 당근케이크 ,홈베이킹 : 간단요리Simple cooking#96

당근빵 성인병에 좋은 당근듬뿍 말린토마토와 크랜벨리 넣고 간단하고 맛있는당근빵 만들어 드세요 #당근빵#Carrotbread#Carrotcake { 재 료} 당근2개 200g,[당근채],계란2개, 흑설탕1/2컵, 믹스 소금1작은술 2g, 밀가루1 25컵 160g,식용유120g 믹스 베이킹파우다1작은술 2g 베이킹소다 1작은술 2g :없으면 안넣어도됨 크랜벨리 혹은 건포도 1/2컵 말린 토마토 1/2컵:없으면 안넣어도 됨/넣으면 맛있어요 믹스 순서대로 섞어서 오븐180도 30~35분 구우면 완성 휴지나 발효시간 없이 바로 구워서 드시면 됩니다 Carrot Bread Put carrot-dried tomatoes and cranberries, which are good for adult diseases, and make simple and delicious carrot bread #당근빵#Carrotbread#Carrotcake {Ingredient} carrots 200g, 2 eggs, 1/2 cup brown sugar, Mix 1 teaspoon of salt, 2g of flour, 160g of flour, 120g of cooking oil Mix Baking powder, 1 teaspoon, 2g Baking soda 1 teaspoon 2g: If not, no need to put it in 1/2 cup cranberries or raisins 1/2 cup dried tomatoes: you don't have to put them in if you don't have to It's delicious Mix Let's mix them in order Bake in 180 degrees for 30 to 35 minutes and it's done You can grill it right away without tissue or fermentation time 맛있게 드시고 건강 하세요 제공자: 간단요리 Simple cooking 구독과 좋아요 ,댓글은 제게 큰 힘이됩니다 감사합니다 Subscribe and like comments are a big hit for me Thanks 당근케이크, 홈베이킹, whole wheat bread, carrot cake