커버업 하게 되는 이유 5가지!/ 타투 망하는 루트#tattoodesign  #finelinetattoo #coverup #flowertattoo #tattoo

커버업 하게 되는 이유 5가지!/ 타투 망하는 루트#tattoodesign #finelinetattoo #coverup #flowertattoo #tattoo

*순위는 전적으로 제 고객님들의 경우만 듣고 매긴 순위입니다 IG: @tattooist_yeori 1위 이상할 정도로 싼 가격에 받은 경우&무료 타투 (내용 영상에) 2위 친구가 타투이스트인데 장르 변경한다고 포폴 모델하는 경우 -장르 카테고리가 바뀌는 것은 기존에 하던 것과는 아예 다른 얘기입니다 새로운 장르에 대한 충분한 공부와 연습으로 괜찮은 포폴이 있으면 믿어볼만 하지만, 커버업하러 오시는 분들 얘기를 들어보고 상태를 보면 공부와 연습을 친구 몸에 하는 것 같습니다 의심하자! 3위 알아보지 않고 친구 따라 갔다가 -친구는 잘됐는데 나는 잘 안 되는 경우! 또는 친구와 취향이 다른데 혹해서 해버림! 4위 오래된 타투가 번져 보여서 -약 10년 전 또는 그 이상 오래된 타투는 그 당시의 테크닉과 기계 또는 그 시대 스타일로 인해 라인이 두껍거나 외곽이 많이 번져들어 보이는 타투가 꽤 많은 것 같습니다 5위 질려서 -아무 문제 없이 가지고 있다가 문득 질려서 커버업 하는 경우는 정말 많이 보지 못했지만, 이 경우는 보통 미니 타투들이었던 것 같습니다 미니여서 커버업하기엔 큰 고난과 시련은 없었습니다 ==================================================== *The rankings are based entirely on what I've heard from my clients 1st: Received at a ridiculously cheap price & free tattoo - Usually, when you make a tattoo reservation, you don't just ask for tattoos at one place, but you often send messages to multiple tattoo artists! You get a quote, but the price range is strangely cheap! Then, you should first question why the price is cheap If you think that it's a good deal if you get a cheap price, it'll be similar, so you just go for it! There are various problems that can occur, but here are two of them: 1 If you don't understand skin damage, you end up with embossing, scars, or smudging 2 If you suddenly change the design you were working on in the middle of the work This is a mistake that inexperienced beginners who don't properly plan out the work progress make I was surprised when I heard about it In most cases, they change the work plan without telling the customer If it turns out well when you change what you were working on, that's fortunate, but if it turned out well, you wouldn't have asked for a cover-up, right ? It seems like a problem that commonly occurs due to lack of skill 2nd: A tattooist friend challenges himself with a new genre He suggests a portfolio model for a new genre to you -This is similar to the problem in 1st, but the difference is that you trust and leave it to them based on the title of ‘already a professional tattooist’ He’s already a professional and he’s my friend? You wouldn’t mess up me, right? Be suspicious Changing the genre category is a completely different story from what you were doing before If you have a decent portfolio with sufficient study and practice for the new genre, you can trust it, but if you listen to the stories of people who come for cover-ups and see their condition, it seems like they’re studying and practicing on their friends’ bodies… Be suspicious! 3rd place I followed my friend without looking into it 4th place I saw my old tattoo spreading 5th place I got sick of it