섬전체가 보라색테마인 신안 퍼플섬/Walking on Korea(4K)/Purple islands, Sin-An.

섬전체가 보라색테마인 신안 퍼플섬/Walking on Korea(4K)/Purple islands, Sin-An.

안녕하세요 신안 퍼플섬은 박지도와 반월도일대를 보라색테마를 가지고 꾸며놓은 사진찍기 좋은 장소입니다 신안의 새로운 명물로 떠오르는 퍼플섬을 같이 한번 걸어보실까요? 감사합니다 Hi,Everyone~ Shin-an Purple Islands is a great place to take pictures that decorated with the purple theme on Parkji-do and Banwol-do Would you like to take a walk on Purple Island, which is emerging as a new specialty in Shinan? Thank you Sin-an Seon-do is a small island decorated with daffodils and gold daffodil flowers with a yellow theme If you visit 1004 islands in Shinan, it is a good island to visit and take pictures Thank you 음원출처 –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– -------------------------------------Copy Start------------------------------------- Song : Arche! - 궁(宮) Follow Artist : Music promoted by DayDreamSound : -------------------------------------Copy End------------------------------------- –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– google map(구글지도): 신안퍼플섬(Purple Islands/Sin-An) 신안 퍼플섬에 대한 자세한 설명은 아래 링크를 참조해 주세요 more detail information for Purple islands in Sin-An 인스타그램Instagram): Contact to me: jinguyoung9@gmail com