[이산가족 Eng c.c] 엄마 뱃속에 있던 애가 나야! / I was the baby in mother's womb!

[이산가족 Eng c.c] 엄마 뱃속에 있던 애가 나야! / I was the baby in mother's womb!

■ 생애 처음 언니를 만났던 동생 . 언니랑 부모님이 헤어졌을 때 나는 뱃속에 있었어! 처음보지만 반가운 자매 이야기 . 1983년 453시간 연속 생방송으로 방영되어 유네스코 세계기록문화유산에 등재된 KBS '이산가족을 찾습니다' ■ A younger sister meets her older sister for the first time in her life. Her older sister became separated when the younger sister was still in the womb! The story of two sisters who are very happy to see each other for the first time. In 1983, KBS “Finding Dispersed Families” was broadcast live over 453 consecutive hours and has been listed in UNESCO’s Memory of the World register. #이산가족을찾습니다 #finding_dispersed_families #pray_for_divided_families #koreandiaspora #korean_diaspora #korean_war #625 #KBS #family_reunion #상봉 ■ Official Web page : http://diaspora.kbs.co.kr ● 기획 : KBS 디지털미디어국 KBS DIGITAL MEDIA ● 프로듀서 : 이승현 seunhyun Lee, 안상미Sangmee An ● 에디터 editor : 소연희 Yeonhee So, 임에덴 Eden Lim ● 작가 writer : 김해연 Haeyeon Kim, 어아름 Areum Eo, 이가연 Gayeon Lee ● 브랜드기획 Brand Identity : 이정 Jung Lee, 신선미 sunmee Shin ● 아카이브 매니저 archivist 이지영 Jiyoung Lee ● 웹 플랫폼 기획 IT Service Planner 장진익 Jinik Jang ● C.G : 황은서 Eunseo Hwang ● Illustration & VFX : Solmedia ● 음악&음향 sound & music : 김우익 Wooik Kim