(전반부)해방 후 일본에서 귀환한 동포들,  (후반부)본국으로 쪽겨가는 일본인들, 1945. 11. 1.

(전반부)해방 후 일본에서 귀환한 동포들, (후반부)본국으로 쪽겨가는 일본인들, 1945. 11. 1.

(FIRST HALF) KOREANS RETURNING FROM JAPAN & (SECOND HALF) REPATRIATING JAPANESE, SEOUL STATION, 11/01/1945 Don O'Brien KOREAN RAILROAD, SEOUL, KOREA, 11/01/1945 (1945) I discovered some movie footage that we shot at the Seoul railroad station in November 1945 and this is a thumbnail from a favorite view It was in a Government archive After trying for an hour, I couldn't upload he movie footage , but you an see it here: archive org/details/gov archives arc 19239 It's satisfying to learn that the 67-year-old film has been preserved We shot on 35mm film with Eymo cameras I had never before seen it because we shipped our undeveloped film to Washington