

《모비우스》는 2022년 개봉 예정인 미국의 슈퍼히어로 영화이다 마블 코믹스의 캐릭터인 모비어스를 원작으로 한다 (시놉시스) 희귀혈액병을 앓고 있는 생화학자 `모비우스`(자레드 레토)는 동료인 `마르틴`(아드리아 아르조나)과 함께 치료제 개발에 몰두한다 흡혈 박쥐를 연구하던 중 마침내 치료제 개발에 성공한 ‘모비우스’는 새 생명과 강력한 힘을 얻게 되지만, 동시에 흡혈을 하지 않고는 생명을 유지할 수 없게 된다 그러던 중 `모비우스`와 같은 병을 앓고 있던 그의 친구 `마일로`(맷 스미스)도 `모비우스`와 같은 힘을 얻게 되는데… (대사) Do you need a doctor? I'm a doctor I should've died years ago People all over the world have my disease I'm here to find a cure We have to push the boundaries Take the risks If you're gonna run, do it now Dr Michael Morbius, you've been missing for two months And then you were found on a container ship that washed up off the Long Island What did you do to yourself, Doctor? I wish I knew I went from dying to being more alive than ever It worked Not exactly I have increased strength and speed and some form of bat radar What else can I do? There're limits There has to be There's something inside of you You want to hunt? I love to consume blood Michael Can you control him? I don't know The half of the city want to kill you We haven't had anything this good since that thing in San Francisco The other half want to control you Dr Michael Morbius, You and I should stay in touch I'll do anything to save a life But I don't know what I'm capable of You save lives You don't take them Are you here to heal the world or to destroy it? Who the hell are you, man? I'm I know I'm just kidding It's Dr Michael Morbius at your service