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I went to the hospital yesterday 나 어제 병원에 다녀왔어 I went to a(this) hospital yesterday 나 어제 어느 (한) 병원에 갔는데, After lunch, I took my kids to the park 점심 먹고 아이들 데리고 공원에 갔어 After lunch, I took my kids to a(this) park 점심 먹고 아이들 데리고 어느 공원에 갔는데, After lunch, I took my dogs to the park (단순히 그런 일이 있었다는 것) After lunch, I took my dogs to a(this) park (어떤 이야기로 이어질 것 같은 느낌) The police showed me a picture of a man But, I didn't recognize the man at all (So, that's what I told the police ) I told the police that I had no idea who the man was 경찰이 나한테 어느 남자 사진을 하나 보여줬는데 나는 그 사람이 누군지 전혀 모르겠더라고 (그래서 경찰한테 그렇게 말을 했지 ) 그 사람이 누구인지 전혀 모르겠다고 Not long after I got on the highway, there was a rest stop I decided to stop by just in case there wouldn't be another one for a while I noticed the rest stop was quite small It was just a gas station and a convenience store I pulled up at the gas station for some gas and while my car was being fueled, I made a quick trip to the convenience store to get some chewing gum 고속도로를 타고 얼마 안돼서, 휴게소가 있었어 혹시라도 한 동안 또 없을까봐 들르기로 했지 휴게소가 꽤 작더라고 그냥 주유소랑 편의점이었어 주유하러 주유소에 차를 세우고 주유를 하는 동안 껌 사러 편의점에 빠르게 다녀왔어 The artist is famous for her paintings of the sky 그 미술가는 하늘을 그린 그림들로 유명하다 The president is going to make a brief appearance at the event 행사에 대통령이 잠깐 모습을 보일 겁니다 The air quality is really bad 공기질이 아주 안 좋다 I took the test and the difficulty was much higher than last time 시험을 봤는데 난이도가 지난번보다 훨씬 높았어 CocaCola was founded in 1892 The CocaCola logo has gone through a number of changes throughout the company's lifetime 코카콜라 로고는 회사 설립 이후로 여러 차례의 변화를 거쳐왔다 The Korean Peninsula The Republic of Korea 🤝 채널을 후원하고 추가영상도 보세요! 🔥 정리/복습 채널 : ☕️라이브아카데미 네이버 카페 : #라이브아카데미 #영어회화 #관사