Leaders vow trilateral economic cooperation at business summit 

박 대통령, 한중일 비즈니스

Leaders vow trilateral economic cooperation at business summit 박 대통령, 한중일 비즈니스

The three leaders also attended a trilateral business summit, where President Park once again stressed the need to maximize the economic potential of the Northeast Asia region ″I believe there is unlimited potential in the economic cooperation between the three countries With this precious opportunity, I hope the leaders and businesspeople from the three countries will work together to build a new economic order in and around Northeast Asia ″ Citing multilateral trade pacts like the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership and Trans-Pacific Partnership as examples of the growing trend toward regional FTAs, the three countries agreed to speed up their trilateral trade pact and work together to foster future growth engines Over 400-business leaders from the three countries attended the event, which also connected job-seekers to potential employers and hooked up various companies with buyers through one-on-one consultations