달걀 분수(#Egg #Fountain) #달걀분수 #eggFountain #반투막 #semipermeableMembrane #삼투 #osmosis #확산 #diffusion

달걀 분수(#Egg #Fountain) #달걀분수 #eggFountain #반투막 #semipermeableMembrane #삼투 #osmosis #확산 #diffusion

#과학 #계란 #달걀 #egg #달걀분수 #eggFountain #반투막 #semipermeableMembrane #삼투 #osmosis #실험 #experiment #탄산칼슘 #calciumCarbonate #확산 #diffusion 1 제목 : 달걀을 이용한 삼투 실험Ⅱ(달걀 분수) 2 준비물 : 달걀, 식초, 설탕, 잉크 등 3 이론 및 원리 : 실험Ⅰ 참조 4 실험 과정 (1) 1단계 : 실험Ⅰ 참조 (2) 2단계 : 실험Ⅰ 참조 (3) 3단계 ① 식초에 의해서 겉껍질이 모두 제거된 달걀을 투명한 컵에 넣는다 ② 물, 설탕 용액, 잉크 용액을 채운다 ③ 환기가 잘 되는 장소에서 24시간 보관한다 ④ 물, 설탕 용액, 잉크 용액에서 꺼낸 달걀을 흐르는 물에 닦아준다 ⑤ 접시에 티슈를 깔고 조심스럽게 말려준다 ※ 속껍질이 터지지 않도록 조심스럽게 다룬다 (4) 4단계 ① 투명한 컵에 각각 담는다 ② 달걀을 수직으로 세운다 ③ 실핀이나 바늘을 이용해서 수직 상단에 조심스럽게 구멍을 낸다 ④ 달걀 속껍질에 구멍이 나면서 물이 분수처럼 솟구치는지 관찰한다 ※ 이때, 바늘을 살살 돌려가면서 구멍을 낸다 5 실험 결과 (1) 1단계 : 실험Ⅰ 참조 (2) 2단계 : 실험Ⅰ 참조 (3) 3단계 ① 물에 담가두었던 달걀(속껍질) : 크기가 커졌다 (물이 속껍질을 통해서 달걀 안쪽으로 이동한 결과) ② 진한 설탕 용액에 담가두었던 달걀(속껍질) : 크기가 작아졌다 (달걀 안쪽의 물이 밖으로 이동한 결과) ③ 잉크 용액에 담가두었던 달걀(속껍질) : 달걀이 잉크색으로 물들면서 크기가 커졌다 (물이 속껍질을 통해서 달걀 안쪽으로 이동한 결과, 잉크 입자가 계란 속껍질 안쪽으로 이동한 결과 → 색소 등을 녹인 물에서 실험한 영상 중에 용질 입자가 반투막을 통과하지 못한 결과들이 많으나, 이번 실험에서 사용한 잉크의 경우는 입자가 달걀 속껍질을 통과한 것으로 판단됨 ) (4) 4단계 : 달걀 분수(달걀 속껍질을 조심스럽게 핀으로 찌른다 ) ① 물에 담가두었던 달걀(속껍질) : 물이 분수처럼 솟구친다 ② 진한 설탕 용액에 담가두었던 달걀(속껍질) : 핀으로 찔러도 물이 거의 나오지 않는다 ③ 잉크 용액에 담가두었던 달걀(속껍질) : 잉크로 착색된 물이 분수처럼 솟구친다 ※ 비고 : 이 영상은 학생들이 편하게 볼 수 있는 학습자료를 제공하기 위해서 제작했습니다 ※ 이 실험에 관한 과학 이론 등 좀 더 자세한 내용을 알고자 하는 경우 인터넷(유튜브) 등에서 다른 자료를 검색해보시기 바랍니다 Sound source Track title : All Hail the Queen Artist : Dan Lebowitz YouTube Audio Library License You can use this audio track in any video, including monetized videos Attribution is not mandatory You can credit the artist on YouTube and display a link to the audio library on the video You may not provide, distribute or perform the music files in your library separately from the videos and other content that contain them For example, independent distribution of library music files is not permitted 1 Title: Osmosis Experiment Using Eggs II 2 Ingredients: Egg, Vinegar, Sugar, Ink, etc 3 Theory and principles : Refer to ExperimentⅠ 4 Experiment process (1) Step 1: Refer to Experiment I (2) Step 2: Refer to Experiment I (3) Step 3 ① Put the egg whose outer shell has been removed with vinegar into a transparent cup ② Fill with water, sugar solution, and ink solution ③ Store in a well-ventilated place for 24 hours ④ Wipe the egg taken out of the water, sugar solution, and ink solution under running water ⑤ Place a tissue on the plate and dry it carefully ※ Handle carefully so as not to burst the inner skin (4) Step 4 ① Pour each into a transparent cup ② Place the egg vertically ③ Use a bobby pin or needle to carefully poke a hole in the vertical top ④ Observe whether water gushes out like a fountain as a hole is made in the inner shell of the egg ※ At this time, make a hole while gently turning the needle 5 Experimental results (1) Step 1: Refer to Experiment I (2) Step 2: Refer to Experiment I (3) Step 3 ① Eggs soaked in water (inner shell): The size has increased (The result of water moving through the inner shell to the inside of the egg) ② Eggs soaked in thick sugar solution (inner shell): The size has decreased (The result of the water inside the egg moving out) ③ Eggs soaked in ink solution (inner shell): The size of the egg increased as it was colored with ink (As a result of water moving inside the egg through the inner shell, as a result of ink particles moving into the inner shell of the egg → There are many results in which the solute particles did not pass through the semi-permeable membrane in the experiment in the water in which the pigment was dissolved, but in this experiment In the case of ink, it is judged that the particles passed through the egg shell ) (4) Step 4: Egg Fountain (Carefully poke the inner shell of the egg with a pin ) ① Egg soaked in water (inner shell): Water gushes out like a fountain ② Eggs soaked in a thick sugar solution (inner shell): Almost no water comes out even when poked with a pin ③ Eggs soaked in ink solution (inner shell): Water colored with ink gushes out like a fountain ※ Note: This video was created to provide learning materials that students can view comfortably ※ If you want to know more details about this experiment, such as the scientific theory, please search for other materials on the Internet (YouTube), etc