[Eng] Braised Mackerel with Radish(godeungeo jorim) 고등어 무조림 레시피

[Eng] Braised Mackerel with Radish(godeungeo jorim) 고등어 무조림 레시피

#mackerel #radish #고등어무조림 Braised Mackerel is Korean side dish (Banchan/반찬) that is commonly served on the table Of course, I like the Braised Mackerel but have you tried Braised Radish seasoned with Gochujang and Soy sauce? The texture is soft and it is melting in your mouth! It is so good with Mackerel and with rice I'm sure you will need more than 1 bowl of rice! 😋 Please turn on the Eng-sub and enjoy 😊 고등어와 무에 양념이 쏙쏙 벤 맛있는 고등어 무조림을 만들었어요 밥 한 그릇으로는 부족하실 거예요😋 영상 맛있게 보시고, 궁금한 게 있으면 댓글 남겨주세요 :) [Ingredients / 재료] mackerel / 고등어 2 EA radish / 무 ½ EA onion / 양파 1 EA green onion / 대파 ½ EA hot chili / 청양고추 1 EA red chili / 홍고추 1 EA [for seasoning sauce / 양념] soy sauce / 간장 4T gochujang / 고추장 1T crushed garlic / 다진마늘 1T chili powder / 고춧가루 1T sugar / 설탕 1T #koreancooking #koreanfood #koreanrecipe #easyrecipe #howto #braisedmackerelrecipe #braisedradishrecipe #mackerelrecipe #mackerelcooking #radishrecipe #radishcooking #godeungeojorim #godeungeojorimrecipe #banchan #sidedish #koreanbanchan #koreansidedish #고등어무조림 #무조림레시피 #삼시세끼무조림 #고등어레시피 #고등어요리 #고등어손질법 #고등어절이기 #고등어조림 #고등어조림레시피 #고등어조림양념 #반찬 #반찬뭐하지 #오늘뭐먹지 #taehwafood #kongsedek #soysauce